微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-1-3) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles”

微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-1-3) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles” 

タイからカナダへ国境なきワンズレスキュー : The Dog rescuers without borders 

最初の幸運な犬 RAMA(1-3)




First Lucky girl RAMA to Canada

The first dog I brought in Canada was a little black puppy found in a garbage dump.

She was covered with ticks. I called the Toronto Humane Society where I was volunteering to ask them if they would accept to intake her. The THS agreed.
 I called her ‘Rama’ The king of Thailand Dynasty. She was about 2 months old.

Then I took her at the vet for treatment, call the quarantine office in Bangkok for info and the Canadian agricultural dept.
It was actually very easy! All I needed for Canada was a rabies shot done one month before departure.
 I booked the airline and Puppy ‘’Rama ‘’arrived at the Toronto Humane Society and found a wonderful home!

(2014/11/19)((文責 タイ在住 N.Oさん、Mr.Dominique Rousselle)


