微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-2-3) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles”

微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-2-3) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles” 

タイからカナダへ国境なきワンズレスキューThe Dog rescuers without borders



JOSIE came from a garbage dump.

Poor girl JOSIE, she was covered with ticks and fleas. Ticks in her ears and around her eyes. She was malnourished,
 eating garbage. I took her to the VET for parasite, ticks and fleas treatment.
JOSIE spent one month at the VET before moving to Canada along with 7 other dogs from the same garbage dump.
 They all live happily in their forever home in ONTARIO.


Survived Three Puppies

1年ほど前、50匹もの路上犬たちが暮らしていたバンコクの高速道路高架下で、3兄弟の白い子犬ピン、パン、ポーンは生まれました。ドミニクさんは高架下にいた犬たちの去勢・避妊処理に協力しました。その後3匹の子犬をレスキュー仲間のタリニーさん(Pic A Pet4Home主催)にあずけ、カナダへ送るまでの保護を依頼しました。残念なことに後日ジステンパーが猛威をふるい、高架下周辺のほとんどの野良犬が死んだそうです。幸いにも強運な子犬たちピン、パン、ポーンは、ドミニクさんとタリニーさんの協力で死を免れ、無事にカナダへと旅立ちました。そしてTHSを通して素晴らしい環境の家族に里親が決まりました。3名の里親のうちの2名は上述のジョシーの里親になった女性とその娘さんです。

‘PIM’‘PAM’‘ POUM’ were 3 small puppies leaving under the highway along with 50 other dogs in Bangkok.
 I had all the dogs neutered and removed PIM,  PAM, POUM to place them with my friend Ms.Tharinee  (Pic A Pet4Home).  Unfortunately all the dogs under the highway had died of distemper after save puppies!
 Fortunately PIM , PAM and POUM were saved. They remained one month in Bangkok before flying to Canada . They were adopted from the Toronto Humane Society and found lovely forever homes.

(2014/11/25)(文責 タイ在住 N.Oさん、Mr.Dominique Rousselle)


