微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-2-1) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles”
微笑みの国の路上犬 (20-2-1) Street dogs live in “The land of the smiles”
タイからカナダへ国境なきワンズレスキュー : The Dog rescuers without borders
( 犬種、 皮毛の色、 体重など詳細記入、狂犬病ワクチンの名称詳細記入)
3.三日前に空港のフリーゾーンにあるタイの動物検疫所に出向き、身体検査をし、この公的機関に勤務する獣医の署名入りの Export certificate(動物出国証明書上)および、健康証明書(カーゴの場合必須)を発行してもらいます。
Process rescue−How to send a dog to Canada.
To send a dog to Canada is actually quite easy. The Toronto Humane Society has agreed to accept, only young, healthy,
and socialized puppies. My friends in Canada have also accepted dogs from Bangkok.
The first issue is to find a prospective owner in Canada.
I will not send a dog home unless they have a owner already arranged or going to the Toronto Humane Society.
The dog, then get his rabies shot and all his vaccination and is neutered or spayed. The first thing is to book the plane back to Canada! You can only fly with 2 dogs!
To fly with a dog back to Canada cost about 320$US. To send a dog a dog cargo usually cost about 800$US.
So far I have sent about 35 dogs back to Canada and found lovely homes for all them. 3 days before departure, the dog must go to the quarantine office at the Bangkok airport for inspection.
If all goes well, I get the license airport and official health certificate needed to fly. Quite an easy procedure once you know what to do! It is just a routine for me now! And everyone at the quarantine office knows me now and calls me by my first name!
(2014/11/20)(文責 タイ在住 N.Oさん、Mr.Dominique Rousselle)